Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fight For The Presidency

I wouldn't be surprised if there were a physical altercation between the candidates this presidential election.

I think that the sole reason John McCain challenged Barack Obama to the town hall meetings is to juxtapose their toughness because if the presidential campaigns of Al Gore and John Kerry have taught us anything it is that America does not like pussies, (figuratively, of course, a lot of us really like literal pussies, you know what I'm sayin'? High five!).

But if Obama holds his own or doesn't appear meek enough I think McCain could resort to physically challenging the junior senator because it would be a no-win situation for Obama – If Obama takes the high road he's just another liberal wuss, and if he stands up to McCain, he's just a punk who stood up to an old man.

(Which, coincidentally, is the same reason that I never sparred with girls – it's a no-win situation...ugly girls, that is...lesbian, ugly girls...because trust me if I thought getting punched in the face might lead to a blow job, then lace 'em up, you know what I'm sayin'? High five!)


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