Tuesday, July 15, 2008

ADVRD - Attention Deficit Video Recorder Disorder

TiVo has ruined me. Today I was driving in my car and I found myself trying to fast-forward through a radio commercial. The problem was I was listening to NPR – NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO DOESN'T EVEN HAVE COMMERCIALS! I have been so ruined by my DVR that I can't even stand to listen to the occasional plugs for other shows or the brief thanks to the foundations that make it possible to have COMMERCIAL-FREE public radio.

And five years ago who'd of thought that cleaning up the DVR would become a household chore. The other day I actually told a guy that I couldn't go out and that I had to get home because my TiVo was cluttered.

The DVR is one of the greatest inventions ever – It allows tv-aholics, like myself, to actually do stuff because we know that we can watch our shows whenever we want – but as far as I'm concerned, I will still gladly give up my TiVo for a machine that can just simply keep the TV's volume the same during commercials.

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