Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stream of Conscience

My elbow has been acting up lately, (old boxing injury), and it sucks because whenever I am sore there is a midget in my head who constantly yells, "Da pain! Da pain, boss, da pain!"
And then my conscience tells me, "Midget is offensive. The correct term is dwarf."
And then the midget screams at my conscience, "You're a dwarf!"
And then my conscience asks me, "Seriously? We're not people, dude. What the fuck is wrong with you?"
And then I think, "In Bruges was cool."
And then my conscience says, "What? Oh, what the fuck?! You put me in a school-boy outfit? You're an asshole! You deserve to be an alcoholic...and broke...and you probably have AIDS..."
And then I think, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"
And then my conscience says, "Norm Coleman is a douche nozzle..."

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