Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Democratic Crusade

Jesus Effing Christ! (unintended) How big of an idiot does someone have to be in order to think that it is a good idea to put Biblical quotes on the Pentagon's daily intelligence reports during a war against a Muslim nation? Are you frickin' kidding me?!!! What a bunch of absolute morons! I don't care if that's "what the President likes." The Department of Defense and our Executive Branch are representatives of the American people, and now it looks like we are all Christian extremists complicit in your God damn, (intended), religious fundamentalist "crusade." You bunch of (earmuffs) fucking assholes! How the hell, (unintended), does that make us "more safe"?

I realize that you were idiots way before you got elected, and that you didn't cast every vote for yourselves, but Christ Almighty, (unintended), our country is way too important for you to have continued your "skipping class and talking your way to a passing grade" mentality. Especially after 9/11, (which, (get it through your thick skulls), happened on your watch).

Thank God, (unintended), we have elections! But then I started wondering...What if al-Qaeda had elections? What if the Taliban had a totally new administration every 4 or 8 years? What if we captured an al-Qaeda member and during questioning, (waterboarding), he asked, "Why are you doing this to me?"
And we replied, "You're al-Qaeda."
And he said, "So?"
And we replied, "You killed over 3000 innocent civilians on 9/11."
And he replied, "Yeah, but that was under Bin Laden, we got a new guy now. And he's totally not like that old "Daddy's money, image over substance" buffoon..."

And what if we went into a village and captured a Taliban fighter and he was like, "What's going on?"
And we were like, "You're Taliban."
And he was like, "So?"
And we were like, "You guys harbored al-Qaeda and stoned a teenager to death last week because she was caught reading."
And he was like, "Yeah, but that was the old Taliban. We just had elections and, thank Allah, (intended), the economy became an issue or else we'd have that guy who wasn't sure when our surge in stonings actually started and thought that we could just simply drill for more opium..."

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