Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Definition of Irony. (Look It Up!)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Moment of Zen - Ignoramus
Daily Show
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Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

I love this clip for so many reasons: First off, SHE HAD TO GOOGLE THE WORD "IGNORAMUS"!!! Not only is she a full-grown adult, and not only is she a full-grown adult who is allowed to leave the house unsupervised, ride the bus by herself, and use grown-up scissors, but she is a full-grown adult who is supposedly capable and learned enough to be an on-air co-anchor for a nationally televised "news" network...without wearing her walking helmet!

She didn't know, (and proudly admitted such), what it meant to be called an "ignoramus"!

...And on top of that, even after googling, she still doesn't know what it means to be called an "IGNORAMUS"! Any 7 year-old, (who has been on a public-school playground (more on that later), can tell you that being called an "ignoramus" is the equivalent of being called an "idiot"! The ETYMOLOGY, not the definition, of the word "ignoramus" is "ignorant lawyer." (1570, Anglo-French, legal term for "we ignore.") Ignoramus was a satirical play written by George Ruggle in 1615 about the obliviousness and stupidity of common lawyers and the title role, Ignoramus, was an "ignorant lawyer." The definition of "ignoramus" is "an utterly ignorant person," a "dunce," or, most suitable in this case, "a vain pretender to knowledge," but still, SHE HAD TO GOOGLE THE WORD "IGNORAMUS"!!!

...And now there are thousands of people - a lot of them parents in middle-America who are home-schooling their children in order to prevent them from being brainwashed by them evolution books - who think, and are teaching their kids, that the definition of "ignoramus" is "ignorant lawyer"...Frickin' liberal media!!!


Anonymous said...

I believe that this is the definition of comedy.

Hoeech said...

If I were to crack open my dictionary, would her picture be next to "Ignoramus" or "Irony"?